We are one-stop factory who provide all raw material, maufacturing, instalation, QC contorl and after services guarrantee dirctly.
YSY has professional engineering, manufacturing and shipping team for help partners to cost down. Engineering and fabricaiton team all...
We will always take an uncompromising stand towards our commitment to quality throughout the organization to meet
Today is the 2nd day on Global Industrie. This morning we met one of our friendly potentional customer- Ms Helen who took 1.5 hours and half hour train from Toulouse to visit us booth. Her company specializes in aerospace industry- airplane parts. Actually we didn’t know each other for long time, just contacted by mail for some quotation and technical engineering question before we leaving for MIDEST. At scene, Helen showed us the steel case sample with chemical nickel p...
Global Industrie 2025, as one of the world’s largest industrial technology exhibitions, the event offers a global platform for innovators, and YSY is seizing the opportunity to highlight its advanced manufacturing, engineering capabilities and Good Quality stamping cases, sheet metal enclosures, chassis, battery boxs…in coming 4days. Located in Booth No.6F 153, YSY’s booth has attracted significant attention from industry professionals across the world. Visitors have praised YSY’s a...
After Last Hannover Messe, YSY team will go to Eurexpo Lyon France on 11 to 14 March 2025. YSY Electric Equipment dedicates to make the sheet metal fabrication, cnc machining parts and electrical distribution box. We sincerely invite our partners for visiting our booth at 6F153, and our team wish to meet you all, then and leave a good memory. If you are looking for a new partner for stamped parts, welding, laser cutting, cnc machinined service and control box. We ar...
In China traditional festival, Mid-Autumn Day symbolize reunion of the family and happiness of harvest, our important partner and friends, Mr Michael and Daniel come to visit YSY. Since last year, YSY started the cooperation with our partner, this is the forth time they visit YSY, We provide different type of metal enclosure to them, such as Warning Terminal Controller Box, Industrial Router Housing, Maintenance Device Chassis, Industrial Control Junction Aluminum Extrusion Enclosure, Alumin...
More information on our products or metal work, please fill out this form.YSY team will feedback you within 24 hours.